as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Monday, August 31, 2009

Follow Up!

I went to the doctor Monday to have a check up on my ears. I had a double ear infection two weeks ago, I guess it was to much swimming, but the doctor wasn't worried and my mommy use to get them all the time too. What can I say....we both love to swim!
  • 12 full teeth
  • 4 teeth that are popping up slowly
  • 23.6LB
  • 31.5in tall, and if are keeping up with me that 1 whole inch from my 15month visit!
  • my talking is coming along
  • I know all my body parts
  • I can find pictures in my picture books
  • I can dance to any song
  • I know the hand movements for my songs: itsy bitsy spider, baby bumble bee, ring-a-round the Rosie, London bridges, row row your boat, this old man, little monkeys jumping on the bed and trust me there is many more

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