as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Going to Eat

Yesterday we went to Great Grandma and Grandpa's house for a surprise, I was playing and then next thing you know Grandma, Mommy, Uncle Chip and Me went to Walmart and Sams Club, and then back to Great Grandma's house again and then we all went to Cracker Barrel (Mommy, Grandpa Gumpy, Grandma, Great Grandpa, Great Grandma, Uncle Chip, and Me), even if I couldn't eat the food I had fun watching everyone eat and even Grandpa liked it there expect for the chairs (we will have to bring a chair cushion). It was as great time and I hope to do it again soon
Waiting for your table, they had a "Gracie" size rocking chair Great Grandpa and Me hanging out
Hi Mommy were is our food at
if you look closer am drinking out of a straw, its my new favorite way to drink my water and am really good at it

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