as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Eight Month Update

So am eight months today and I think I really do a lot. I eat all my baby food and I really enjoy it because I say yummmmm and mmmmm, we are working on the Gerber Puffs that everyone tells my mom about, but I really don't care to have a snack. I crawl all over, so you can not leave me somewhere and come back and expect me there still. I'm also starting to pull myself up more on things, I really enjoy claiming over your body when you play with me on the floor. I still have my beautiful blue eyes , but still no teeth, I think I have grown in height and started to thin out some. I really love the water but by the time the sun goes done it is to cold to go in the pool, hopefully soon I can get in there more. Well I think that's all my updates but you know I will keep you posted with anything new.

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