as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

First Day back to School and I was more ready then ever to see all my friends and teachers. I did go to school in the summer but it just wasnt the some. Over the summer I did get in a lot of learning, I know my ABC's, colors, and I can count to 10 sometimes even 15 on a good day, I also was potty trained. Mommy, Grandma, and Uncle Tom, went to my open house and Ms. Val told them that I was ready for preschool, yup thats right I tested in early for the preschool so come the middle of October I will be in preschool with all my other friends that left the toddler progam to go. I will be the littest but Ms. Val and Ms. Char said I was more then ready.

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