as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Friday, October 3, 2008

Eleven Month Update

Almost One! Let the count down start. The greatest and biggest thing that has happen so far was my first two teeth, I didn't know what the big deal was but everyone was surprised when my mommy or grandma tell people I had no teeth yet. I still walk around everything, kind of scared to let ago by myself, but I will walk with your hand. No new words yet, but I love to talk. I have a new find love for peas, I can eat them all day if you let me. I starting to drink more out of a cup but I really not that crazy about the milk out of there, just give me water in my cup for now please. I lost another earring don't really now how or were, so if you find one let me know. I do some new tricks, say stinky, or that smells grandma and I fake fart! it cute, I wave bye-bye, and I can say hi. Oooo...and my hair is coming in nicely. Next month is a big one and I will give you a update from the doctors as well.

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