as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hello I am Here!

Well I guess I should start from the beginning so lets start with the trip to the hospital but let me go back one day on that Friday November 2, 2007 my mom kept saying she was feeling some pain so she tried to sleep it off. My Uncle Tommy was staying with us because a week before he had a little operation don't worry he is fine now. Grandma come home from work but she had to go to a doctors appointment for a little operation she had a few weeks before my mom went with, and said she keeps have pains every ten minutes didn't think nothing of it because everyone said "you never go on your due date" and the doctor said maybe not to Thanksgiving now. After we left the doctors we come home my mom was still having pain but wanted to eat so Grandma and my mom went back out to get Chinese food and Arby's for Uncle Tommy after dinner mom said a bath would maybe make her feel better still having pain but nothing really that bad. Grandma got on the phone with Aunt Theresa who asked a few questions and side she wasn't in labor and then got off the phone with each other. Well my mom got out of the tub and having more pain Grandma called Jan ask if we should go to the hospital after a small talk they said they are going to take her in. My mom didn't want to go but she went to make them happy so at 10:35 we went walked into the hospital and walked up to LD was hooked up to a machine to review my mom progress, asked allot of questions and waited. Finally the doctor come in look at some things and said "your staying" ooh no my mom said, she didn't have her bag and my dad was still driving in from Michigan. Jan went back to Grandma to get moms bag and Uncle Tommy, but she come back with everything but Uncle Tommy and was in some pain. So Fast forward a few hours later I was ready to leave my moms tummy. At 5:34 I made my and yup they were all right I was a GIRL but they were wrong I wasn't a big baby I was a small 6lbs 11oz and 20in long, and if I say so my self very cute. So my mom and I had a lot of rest the next few days and took sometime to get to know each other. She told me the rules: no crying and no pooping well I failed right away but she told me it was ok we will work on it and she loved me!

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