as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Halloween Costume

I got my Halloween Costume, before all the good ones were gone. I am going to be
the best look lady bug around

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Going to Navy Pier

Mommy, Tony, Uncle Tom, and his friend from grade school was in town Ruthie, so we all went to Navy Pier it was my first time I love to people watch and see people that I don't know smile or wave to me. I was able to try a little Italian ice cream, and got a build-a-bear pumpkin outfit for my bear

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Time with Grumpy

I love sitting with Grumpy and just cuddling

A new look

My mommy and Grandma where at a carft show awhile ago and saw these great bows, but a little pricey so my mom said she was going to try to make them. I think they come out great and I hear a lot of people talk about me they say "how cute", "oh what a cute little girl". Keep it up mommy!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Bestfriend Sometimes

Once in awhile Roxy will let my sit with her, I guess she is old and I bother her, but she is my best friend when am eating, she sits right by my chair so somethings I will share, which sharing is good but I guess not with the dog

Monday, September 15, 2008

Here they are

my new teeth

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Am a good helper

My mom was putting together a table, and I was able to help. I can play on it and store some toys under it. I love it, its just my height and I can stand there and play all by myself

Monday, September 8, 2008

Finally coming in

That would be my two bottom teeth. Finally they are coming in, not that I was worried. I think mommy will start giving me some better food, like meatballs, chicken, more pasta and bitter cookies.

Teething can be a hard and painful thing I think I handled myself well, a few times I did wake up at night but I had no fever, and for the most part I went about my everyday life, with just a runny nose.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I have a new Love

I love the phone, I love to run over when I see it or someone on it. If you were to put the phone by my ear or let my hold it I don't always say hi, but I do when you take it away

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ten Month Update

Well two more months togo before the big one. I eat many kinds of food, peas, green beans, watermelon, peaches, pears, puffs, pasta, mac n cheese, a little ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, and all my baby food still. I love feeding my self! I enjoy walking around the couch, and table and holding on to my toy box when I play but I still am a little scared to let ago. No teeth yet but still just as cute if not cuter. Last month I went to the Zoo, and I want to Share the Care of a Little Monkey (not the pink butt ones), mommy said we will go back for Halloween and the X-mas lights. I talk a lot mostly to my toys, myself, and to the animals around here. I say wha= what, Giz = Gizmo, and Ma = mommy, now I don't also say them but you might hear it when am by myself talking. I love to give my baby hugs and kisses, but am shy with people. I do arms up and I fall down when you say fall down. If anything new comes up I will keep you updated but thats it for now

Happy 10 Months

Happy Ten Months to Me