as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday again Grandpa Grumpy

Happy Birthday Grandpa Grumpy we had cake again for him since last week was Easter and we opened presents too, I still didn't have any cake but my mom tells me when I am One, and not any sooner

Friday, March 28, 2008

More Fun with Uncle Tom Tom

I don't think we sould be doing this, but it is so much fun

Fun with Uncle Tom Tom

This is what happends when I play with Uncle Tom Tom

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Shirt

Robbie gave me a great new shirt for Easter I can't wait to wear it with a pair of cute jeans

Monday, March 24, 2008

Uncle Chip and Me

Snuggle Bunny

Thanks Aunt Midge for letting me sleep on you for a little bit,
I needed a cat nap

New Toy

my cousins Ashley and Tyler, got me a great toy thatmakes sound and that will help me learn my shapes Thank you I love it!

My First Easter and Easter Basket

In my Easter Basket there were a lot nice things, some movies, blocks, new bibs, and a pair of new shoes. Maybe next year I can try some candy. I also had a Easter basket at my Great Grandma house too, the basket talked to me "happy easter, happy easter", and I had some great things to put in my mouth that were inside and a cute pair of slippers. I also wanted to tell everyone that had a great time playing with everyone

Coloring Eggs

my very first egg had to be a pink one

waiting for the egg to turn colors

so much fun I couldn't stay up anymore

I had so much fun coloring my Easter Eggs,
with Uncle Tommy, Grandpa Grumpy and my Mom

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Birthday and Easter

Happy Birthday Grandpa Grumpy
Happy Easter to everyone
Uncle Tom Tom and Me, before we color Easter Eggs

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

My first St. Patrick's Day I was still not feeling well so me and mom just stay home, next year we might go to the parade

What a Long Morning

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore my mom was working on something and when she come to check up on me this is how she found me, sound asleep

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My First Cold

Well I think my mom gave me went she had, I have no fever and for the most part am in a really good mood I just have this cough that will not go must be the silly Chicago weather that did it.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Four month check-up

I went for my four month check-up, I was weighed, measured and stuck with needles. I now weight a big 14.11lbs, and I finally grow to 24.5in before I was under in everything now am over what do you people what from me. So I am a little chunky but really I just have big thighs like my mom (sorry mom but you do). Also I had to get three shots and I didn't really even cry afterwards I smiled at the doctor so she knew I wasn't mad out her I know she had to do it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Roll Over, Roll Over

I started to roll over not all time but its a start, I still don't understand why my mom gets to happy when I do it? If it makes her happy then I guess I will keep trying

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

After everything my mom has told me about Nicole one of her best friends, I finally was able to meet her and her whole family, when she come home for a few days. She was so nice to me and gave me a lot of nice cloths I like her can't to see her agian....oh yeah by the way thats one of my godmommy since my mom couldn't just pick one!

me and my toys

so you have to stuff me in a little and put I pillow under my feet since am a shorty, but I love this toy

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy B-Day Frankie

On Sunday we went to Aunt Theresa's
house for Frankie B-Day party, she had a lot
of people over that I never met and I also
was able played with some of my cousin's too!

Gina, Rena and me

Sarah, Me, and Livi

Four Month Update

Well am fourth months already, I can smile at a drop of a hat, just learned how to scream my mom loves that one, I hold my hold up really good everyone tells me, and I getting this roll things down my mom gets on the floor with me but I just smile and laugh at her, oh yeah and if you tickle me I sometimes belly laugh, I sleep all night long and get up about 6:30 and now the weekends sometimes later.

Happy 4 Months

Happy Four Months to Me!

Monday, March 3, 2008

first boo boo ever, my mom was going to kiss me and I turned really fast and I bumped my head on her lip and made her lip bleed a little, I was fine but Grandma was so worried about me that she never asked how my mom was. Sorry mom I hope you are feeling better.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Grandma, my mom and me ran to the mall to look around and stopped by the earring place and debuted on doing it so we did it... I got my ears pieced and I didn't even cry!