as of November 3, 2007 It is my world and everyone else is just living in it

Sunday, December 30, 2007

X-Mas Day

my first Christmas was fun Christmas eve we went to Grandma's family and Christmas day we went to Grandpa's family. I enjoyed all my gifts and had a great time playing with everyone.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

First X-Mas

My very first x-mas photos, I am such a happy baby

Art and Crafts

yup, thats my foot at six weeks old I loved having my foot painted!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

So I been home a few weeks now and I think I have listen and follow the rules pretty good. I hardly ever cry, I a good sleeper, and when I do cry mom says its not really a cry since there are no tears yet.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

One Month Update

Hi everyone I made it to one month, I do what every baby does at this time, I sleep, eat, play a little, and sleep some more, but I smile and no its not gas I really do smile, working on tummy time I can hold my hand up a little but not to long hopefully next month, and I stick my tongue out at everything it is kind of cute.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Happy 1 Month

Happy One Month
Birthday to me!